[ROOT]  doc  DocFrag  SELECT Assembly, DocFragType, Description.FirstLine()   <  ORDER BY DocFragId   <  LIMIT 62  >   SKIP 625   SHUFFLE   

1114 items

NOTE: Only 62 elements of total 1114 shown. Use SKIP and TAKE, or change LIMIT.

ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAggregateJoinARCQueryClassJoins the given list of properties into a single property.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere.TryCheckForExistenceOfKeyARCQueryClassMemberUsed by query expressions in order to catch wrong field names used or misspelling of field names.
ARCCore.BaseAttributeP.LongDescriptionARCCoreEnumMemberThe long (detailed) description for the attribute.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere+ValueEnum.NOTNULLARCQueryEnumMemberPractical value enabling suggestions from -GetPrevious- and -GetNext-.
ARCCore.IP.TryGetPARCCoreClassMemberGets a single property for this object
Assembly ARCCore AssemblyA necessary library (.DLL in Windows terms) that every -ARNodeType- should link to.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyFirstLineARCQueryClassExtracts first line from string of text.
ARCCore.IP.TryGetV Overload1ARCCoreClassMemberThe actual 'unpacking' of the object.
ARCQuery.ConstantKey<T>.TryGetPInternalARCQueryClassMemberThe internal executor, containing the specific functionality for how to evaluate the key.
ARCCore.IP.TryGetV Overload2ARCCoreClassMemberThe actual value of the property. Mostly relevant for single-value properties like -PValue-.
ARCCore.ClientUpdatePosition.IsGoBackARCCoreClassMemberHas to be translated by -StreamProcessor- into a concrete filename / index.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolution.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.Extensions.SingleOrDefaultARCCoreClassMemberSame as inbuilt LINQ's SingleOrDefault except that gives a more friendly exception message
ARCCore.IP.AllIPDerivedTypesARCCoreClassMemberAll relevant -IP--derived types for the whole application.
ARCQuery.Quantile.PERMILLEARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into 1000 parts
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePropertyAccessBananaARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PropertyAccess- through the -Banana- class.
ARCCore.PP.IidARCCoreEnumMemberInvalidator id, that is entity which set -Invalid- for this property (or removed / 'undid' the invalidation by setting the value to '0001-01-01').
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.CurrentlyInitializingARCCoreEnumMemberSet to TRUE at initialization (signals for instance -ReceiveAndDistribute- that it can only queue messages, not process them).
ARCCore.P.TryGetPARCCoreClassMemberMade virtual 13 Jan 2022. Possibly the same could be done for all other methods here since _properties is Protected anyway.
ARCQuery.QueryExpressionWhere+WildcardPositionTypeARCQueryEnumPosition of wildcard in value, like '*ABC' (-AtStart-), 'ABC*' (-AtEnd-) and
ARCCore.StreamProcessorP.UnderClosureARCCoreEnumMemberSet to TRUE if to be closed, whenever an exception occurs or when class goes out of scope
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLineParsed.IsCommentARCCoreClassMemberSignifies that property stream line given for parsing started with '//' (two forward slashes).
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyYearMonth.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCCore.PK.CleanerARCCoreClassMemberCleanup of values, to be used before value is attempted validated.
ARCDoc.DocLinkResolutionCollection.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCDoc.HLocation.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.IP.GetValueForJSONSerializerARCCoreClassMemberPractical approach to serializing of -IP- based values to JSON.
ARCQuery.TranslationSingle.TryGetAARCQueryClassMemberReturns a -PropertyStreamLine- representation of this translation.
ARCQuery.Quantile.PERCENTILEARCQueryEnumMemberDivide into 100 parts
ARCQuery.RelationalOperator.LIKEARCQueryEnumMemberCase sensitive string wildcard comparision.
ARCQuery.ForeignKey.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberThe outwards facing executor, understanding use of -FunctionKeys-.
ARCQuery.QueryProgressP.LimitARCQueryEnumMemberLimits the final HTML presentation of results (limits the number of elements being presented). Does not affect the query in itself. Used in order to avoid building huge HTML pages which will not be consumed anyway.
ARCCore.AREnumType.OrdinaryEnumARCCoreEnumMemberDesignates "Ordinary" enums used for indicating range of valid values for a given key
ARCCore.ARComponents.ARAClientARCCoreEnumMemberA template application for a -Client- (linking to -ARCCore-).
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyInt.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCCore.IP.AllIPDerivedTypesWithPKEnumARCCoreClassMemberAll relevant -IP--derived types for the whole application for which the also is defined a -PropertyKeyEnum-.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyAbs.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCCore.UtilCore.DateTimeNowARCCoreClassMemberReturns DateTime.UtcNow unless -UseLocalTimeInsteadOfUTC- has been set to TRUE in which case DateTime.Now is returned.
ARCCore.StreamProcessor.ReceiveAndDistributeARCCoreClassMemberProcess all messages in receive queue.
ARCQuery.QueryProgressARCQueryClassKeeps track of execution of query (that is, a query consisting of multiple -QueryExpression-), and also stores final result.
ARCQuery.FunctionKeyYearQuarter.TryGetPARCQueryClassMemberNOTE: The in-parameter is a property, not an entity.
ARCCore.PropertyStreamLine.EncodeKeyPartARCCoreClassMemberConverts a single key part of a -PropertyStreamLine- to a format suitable for sending over a -PropertyStream-.
ARCQuery.NewKeyCountPRecARCQueryClassReturns the number of properties for a given entity object.
ARCCore.EnumMemberAttribute.GetAttributeARCCoreClassMemberNote that illegal to call for -PropertyKeyEnum-.
ARCDoc.Documentator.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PValueEmpty.ToPropertyStreamARCCoreClassMemberTypicall return value could be something like
ARCCore.PKTypeAttribute.DefaultValueARCCoreClassMemberSee -DefaultValue-.
ARCCore.IIKII.PackParseResultForStorageInIKIIARCCoreClassMemberThis method corresponds to -PackParseResultForStorageInEntityObject-.
ARCCore.PIIARCCoreClassPII = property for storing individual items.
ARCDoc.SomeAppComponent.MethodCARCDocClassMemberNote structured format in logging.
ARCCore.IP.AddPARCCoreClassMemberAdds a property for this object.
ARCCore.PK.ToStringARCCoreClassMemberCaching is supposed to be useful because may be called quite often.
ARCCore.ClassMemberAttributePARCCoreEnumDescribes class -ClassMemberAttribute-.
ARCCore.PExact<TEnumType>..ctorARCCoreClassMemberSet capacity to the number of members in the -PropertyKeyEnum- for this class (minus the __invalid-value)
ARCDoc.DocLinkCollection.ToStringARCDocClassMemberTODO: Decide on what we actually want with ToString for this class.
ARCCore.PKLogAttributeARCCoreClassExplains how logging of changes to a property should be done.
ARCQuery.AggregationTypeARCQueryEnumUsed by -QueryExpressionPivot- and -QueryExpressionAggregate-.
ARCQuery.EntityMethodKey+MethodType.ComplexARCQueryEnumMemberSignature like 'bool TryGet{KeyName}(IP dataStorage, IK thisKey, out IP retval, out string errorResponse)'
ARCDoc.Demonstrator.DemonstratePropertyStreamARCDocClassMemberDemonstrates use of -PropertyStream- by generating local data (documentation data) and writing locally to console.

Generated 2024-09-19 14:26:26.549 UTC